
Tim Ash

Branding Through Initiation: How to build fanatical tribes of customers who love your products


June 7, 2024


9:10 am


Does your brand inspire fanatical loyalty? There’s a massive war for consumer attention and it is only getting worse. As a marketer, you’ve seen the devastating effects in your industry:

  • Channels are multiplying
  • Consumer engagement is lower than ever
  • And costs are skyrocketing

The competition for attention is not some “soft” issue. It is the brutal reality blocking your company’s growth. But what if you could:

  • Understand our deep human need for tribal belonging?
  • Discover the mechanisms by which any group can reliably be bonded?
  • Create powerful initiation experiences that produce loyalty and passion?

Well, you can!

Evolutionary psychology expert and bestselling author Tim Ash takes you on a provocative tour through our distant past to upgrade your modern brand.

  • Reduce churn: Stop the revolving door and have repeat buyers for stay for a lifetime.
  • Boost response: Flip low response rates to attracting people who seek you out based on your brand reputation.
  • Create evangelists: Turn fickle consumers into passionate members of your brand tribe.

Don’t miss this transformative experience!

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