
Guy Yalif

Future Trends in Conversion Optimization and Preparing for Them


June 6, 2024


8:20 am


Is traditional CRO dead? AI is revolutionizing our approach to conversion optimization. This presentation explores groundbreaking trends in CRO:

  • Predictive AI: Can we advance beyond standard analytics to predictive modeling that personalizes user experiences, dynamically adjusts content, and changes layout on the fly?
  • Generative AI: What can we do now across channels? What should we do now across channels?
  • Text Generation: Creating adaptive, real-time copy that drives relevance and engagement
  • Image Creation: Generate images tailored to individual users
  • Video Content: Craft interactive, personalized videos, transforming user engagement and conversion strategies
  • Data Privacy Compliance: How do we balance effective data use with proprietary business info and privacy regulations

CRO’s goal remains the same, but how we go about it today is changing rapidly. This is not an evolution, but rather a revolution, overhauling traditional CRO approaches and how we do our work.

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