Surprise! Interesting A/B Test Results You Wouldn't Expect


June 21, 2023


3:45 pm


Summerlin B


In this deeply data-driven and high practical presentation, you’ll learn about several surprising A/B test case studies that will encourage you to re-evaluate how you declare a winning test result. Using real-life case study data, the presentation will delve into statistical significance and how it can be gamed, the importance of power and properly calculating sample size requirements ahead of time, and why an enormous lift is actually a “winner’s curse” — and what you should be striving for instead. Through engaging A/B tests, the audience will take their best guess on each A/B test, see the real-life results, and get informative inspiration on how to apply the results to optimize their own data-driven optimization work. Participants will immediately come away more informed data-driven marketers, armed with newfound knowledge on what a truly trustworthy test result is, what it means, and how to obtain it.

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