SURVEY SAYS! Know user Intent, increase conversions
June 21, 2023
3:45 pm
Summerlin A
Let’s face it, most product surveys are terrible. Surveys are confusing, too long, or don’t line up with how people think: Q: “On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like this product?” A: “Um, I don’t know? A 7?” Break free of these antiquated survey questions that don’t increase conversion. In this session gain insights from UX experts who will break down the do’s and don’ts of conducting & constructing a survey. We’ll discuss what makes a good survey, what makes a bad survey and…How to get the actionable data that you need to improve product design!
In this session you’ll learn:
How to create a survey that gets you the actionable data you need to improve your product design
What questions to ask (and what questions not to)
How to get more people to take complete your survey
What subject lines get the best responses
And why 1-10 rating scales are terrible! (Don’t worry, we’ll tell you what to do instead)