Close the Conversion Optimization Satisfaction Gap
June 20, 2023
11:20 am
Summerlin A
Conversion optimization is essential to meeting customer needs, yet 37 percent of brand leaders say they are “quite dissatisfied” with their conversion rates. We call this the Conversion Optimization Satisfaction Gap, and it exists on a continuum. At one end are companies that do little to no optimization or experimentation, and they likely don’t have resources dedicated to the function. On the other end are companies committed to continual improvement, providing outstanding and optimized digital experiences. So how can leaders responsible for closing the satisfaction gap achieve success? We’ve identified four common obstacles and what brand leaders need to do to become conversion optimization champions—and it works! Learn about one company that used our data-supported insights to increase its conversion rate by 23 percent, driving over $8M in incremental long-term revenue.